0191 435 4122

About BSA Manuals

BSA Motorcycles (Birmingham Small Arms) produced Instruction Books, Service Sheets, Parts books and Brochures between 1911-1973. This website is run by Steve Brown a lifelong classic motorcycle enthusiast who has owned, restored and ridden various BSA’s including Bantams, C11, C12,C15 A10, B33, M24 Silver Star, R4 and many other British Motorcycles.
BSA Motorcycle Manuals

At our objective is to produce the Highest Quality Reprinted and Original BSA Literature available at reasonable prices. We offer free and prompt postage on all of our products.

All our own publications are printed in the UK. We also sell Books by other publishers which are printed Overseas. Our Range of BSA Manuals continues to grow Latest additions are 1960’s BSA A50 A65 Parts books and BSA Sloper Manuals. We always have BSA Restoration Books by Roy Bacon and a full range of Haynes BSA manuals in stock.

A range of Triumph, Norton AJS and Matchless Manuals are available at our other site:

Overseas buyers purchasing multiple items contact me first for a postage discount (reduction).

We pay cash for all Original Motorcycle literature inc Anything British (inc brochures) and Haynes manuals Also German, Japanese and Italian books etc.

Please feel free to contact us with any enquiries which you may have: or phone 0191 435 4122

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